• The List Group. Australia & New Zealand's best range of direct marketing lists


This list is made up of avid golfers Australia wide.

This list is owned by a company that organises private and corporate golf tournaments, golfing events and tours. This list is made up of people who have attended such events and are current members of golf clubs.

All of the people on the list are members of golfing clubs and have a current handicap. Many are members of prestigious private golf clubs throughout Australia. The file is made up of approximately; 28,000 males (with titles eg. Mr), 4,500 (without titles), 12,000 records (joint tites e.g Mr & Mrs) and 600 females (with title eg. Mrs).

All records are at home address. 80% of the file includes telephone numbers.

Quantity 96,000
Selections State
Nth Selection
Minimum Order 5,000
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 5 days
Notes Hirers are required to include record number identifier on the mailing piece as first line of address in reduced font. This will facilitate dead mail updating by the list owner.

Telemarketing must be carried out by an independant Telemarketing company.

Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.