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Doubleday Book Club MembersBackDownload

Music Direct is a music mail order club from Doubleday. This club offers a broad range of music categories including; pop/rock, easy listening, country, alternative, blues, world, jazz and classical.

Members of the Doubleday Music Club are recruited with a special introductory offer via direct response media such as inserts in magazines and newspapers, direct mail, corss promotional activity, member-get-member programs and telemarketing. They are mailed monthly and have a commitment to purchase a minimum of items in a given period of time.

Club Types;

Music Direct;
The average member is female (65%), jmale (35%) aged 18-54 years. Married/de facto (54%), single (41%) with no children living at home (54%). Employed full time (43%), part time (25%) not in paid employment (21%).

Hot Music Direct;
Is a club offering alternative and hard rock products as well as dance and rap music. The average member is male (52%), female (48%) aged 18-24 years, single with no children living at home.

Country Music Club;
The club offers country music and easy listening product and has a regional/rural geographic skew. The file is female (62%) and male (38%).

Quantity 150000 (AUS) 35000 (NZ)
Selections State
Dollars Spend
Payment Type
Member Types
Club Types
Minimum Order 5,000
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 5 days
Notes Extra Selection Costs;

Member types;
Active members = $295.00 per 1000 records
Good, Paid, Cancelled – $225 per 1000 records

Dollars spend, payment type, recency, club type = $30.00 per 1000 records

Appending DPID’s = $5.00 per 1000 records

Additional Promotional Opportunities;
Insertion into monthly mailings = $150 per 1000 records
Insertion into monthly product despatches = $150.00 per 1000 records
Product sampling distribution into monthly product despatches = POA
Co-marketing opportunities on the internet site = POA

Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.