Technical Professionals DatabaseBackDownload
This list consists of senior level managers, engineers and technical professionals who are interested in telecommunications, broadcasting, electronic and computer systems.
Australian Electronics Engineering;
This publication concentrates on technology, business & policy treands which effect the electronics industry. Its subscribers are senior technical management & engineers.
Broadcast Engineering News;
This magazine provides accurate and independent news and product information for the technical side of operations in the professional broadcast, video and audio industries.
Electronic News;
This publication concentrates on in depth product information, application of new technologies and specialist sectors for the electronics industry in Australia.
In total there are 17,011 records of which all are personalised. State by state breakdowns below reflect personalised record count.
Quantity | 17,011 |
Selections |
State Postcode Gender Personalised/Non Personalised Job Function Industry |
Minimum Order | 2,000 |
Deliverability | 96% |
Lead Time | 3 days processing |
Notes | Job Function; Director/Owner, Manager, Consultant, Administration, Academics, Marketing & Advertising, Chief Engineer, Technical Officer, Technician, Engineers, Production & Operators, Managing Director, Purchasing Manager, Project Manager, Technical Management, IT manager, General Manager, Sales Personnel Industry; A Sample of mailing msut be provided. All processing msut be conducted by a bureau. Rental of data is for one time use. |
Terms & Conditions | List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.
We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed. Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies. |