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School DatabaseBackDownload

The School Database is a comprehensive integration of all school types Australia wide. It is updated on a regular basis ensuring a high standard of the lsit.

There are 3 key lists that are consolidated to make up the Schools Database; Victorian Schools Database, National Schools Database and Kindergartens, TAFE’s/Universities. This Provides users the opportunity to target all available schools or the flexibility to segment according to their particular requirements.

Victorian Schools Database
Compiles by the Victorian Education Department, this database is deigned to meet the needs of users that only require Victorian schools information. The list undergoes major updates on a bi-annual basis.

All government schools (primary, high, K-12 and special) include the name of the Principal and have enrolment numbers. The remaining private schools are not personalised however, a generic title can be inserted in the title field. Enrolment numbers are not available.

The list is available for either rental or purchase (please refer to itemised costs below) and can be provided in any of the following formats;
Cheshire labels (sticky labels)
Excel Format
ASCII comma delimited

National Schools List
Compiled by the Curriculum Corporation, this is the most comprehensive list of Australian schools. It’s used constanly by the Curriculum Corporation and undergoes monthly updates. Ideally this database is designed for the user that requires schools on a national basis.

Although records are non personalised a generic title (of any choice) can be inserted in the title field.

The list is available for either rental or purchase (please refer to itemised costs below) and can be provided in any of the following formats;
Cheshire labels (sticky labels)
Excel format
ASCII comma delimited

Kindergartens, TAFE’s & Universities
Long sought after list of Kindergartens, TAFE’s and Universities. This comprehensive compiled list covers all available kindergartens and further education institues and universities.

Although records are non personalised a generic title (of any choice) can be inserted in the title field.

The list is available for either rental of purchase (please refer to itemised costs below) and can be provided in any of the following formats;
Cheshire labels (sticky labels)
Excel format
ASCII comma delimited

Our Dedicated consultant will assist with all queries relating to the segmentation of the list and provide accurate and timely quotations. Orders can be fulfilled within 48 hours.

Quantity 10,065
Selections Postcode
School Category
School type
Minimum Order 1,000
Deliverability 0%
Lead Time 2 days processing
Notes Selections:

Victorian Schools Database;
School Category: Primary, Secondary, K-12, Special
School Type: Government, Private

National Schools Database;
School Category: Primary, Secondary, K-12, Special, Alternative
School Type: Government, Private

Kindergartens, TAFEs & Unis;
School Category; Kindergarten, TAFE, University

Please speak to our dedicated consultant regarding updates for the National Schools Data base and related costs.

Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.