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Manufacturing & Industrial DatabaseBackDownload

This list provides an excellent base for targeting decision makers in the area of Australia’s industrial market.

Australian Mining
This Magazine reaches an audience specifically interested in mining equipment and services. It is read by executives who influence the companys purchases.

Factory Equipment News
This is Australias leading manufacturing industry publication. It provides a concise source of new equipment and new technology information for key buyers and buying influences in manufacturing. FEN is read by those with the greatest buying power, mainly general and technical managers as well as engineers.

Process & Control Engineering
The publication covers subjects in control, sensing, instrumentation, process engineering and environmental protection. The Sucribers to this publication are engineers, managers and technicians.

Metal Working
Metal Working reaches top decision makers in sheet and plate fabrication as well as in machining and cutting. Readers include metal fabrication contractors and manufacturers in sectors ranging from general jobbing, white goods, air conditioning and lighting to automotive, tool making, aerospace and ship building.

Food Processor
This publication aims to give food industry decision makers the best information on which to make vital business decisions concerning plant equipment, technology, materials, ingredients, packaging, handling and distribution, Food Processor caters to a specialist audience of production managers, chief chemists and food technologists.

Plantline reports on Australias manufacturing industry. It represents the changing face of industry in this country and the way that we interact within it.

Packaging keeps readers inforamed on business, issues and the solutions affecting one of Australias most dynamic industries. Two thirds of packagings readers work for manufacturing firms, including food, beverage, confectionery, textiles, cosmetics and chemicals. Other readers include suppliers of raw material and packaging machinery, converters and package manufacturers.

In total there are 69105 records of which 39841 records are personalised. State by state breakdowns below reflect personalised record count

Quantity 32,708
Selections State
Personalised/Non Personalised
Job Function
Minimum Order 2,000
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 3 days processing
Notes Job Functions;
Director, Manager, CEO/Owner, Production Manager, Factory/Packaging Manager, Sales/Marketing Manager, Management Technical, IT Manager, Technical Officer, Chief Engineer, Engineer, Engineering Manager, Mine Manager, Builder, Product Manager, Security Manager, Foreman/Supervisor, Production, Purchasing officer/Manager, Other

Advertising, Engineering, Mining, building & Construction, Food/Beverage/Tobacco, Manufacturing/Distribution, Mineral Processing, Textiles, Wood & Paper Products, Chemicals & petrochemicals, Parmaceuutical, Transport & Automotive, Rubber/Plastic/Leather, Fabricated Metals, Electronics, Utilities, Education & Research, Government, Other

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