• The List Group. Australia & New Zealand's best range of direct marketing lists

IDG Contacts Database NZBackDownload

The list is split into mainstream executives and IT contacts.

Contacts Database
The Contacts Database is a tool for organisations requiring thorough New Zealand company information and contact details. The currency of the database is its fundamental value with constant, daily updating of the file.

The database can be used for targeted direct mail or telemarketing campaigns, or conducting a quick search for a particular company name or background research on a prospect.

Contacts IT Database
Contacts IT Database offers comprehensive information on personnel, IT usage and equipment in over 2000 companies in all industries. The IT information includes detailed information on IT usage and equipment in all industries. IT selection options include operating systems, development tools, equipment, network software, database software and applications.

Quantity 10,000
Minimum Order 2,500
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 5 working days
Notes Contacts Database

Industry Type;
Vendors, Software Developers/System Ingegrators, Telecommunications/ISP, Computer Distributor/VAR/Retail, other computer related, CAD/Architecture/Engineering, Business Services/Recruitment, Health & Community Services, Government, Media & Advertising, Manufacturing, Wholesale/Retail/Distribution/Transport, Finance/Insurance, Oil/Mining/Engineering, Other – Non Computer related, Agriculture/Forestry/Construction, Education, Research/Bio-Tech, Other

Job Function
Senior Management (CEO/MD/GM), Financial, Other Manager, Business Proprietor, CIO/MIS, IS/IT/Network/Web, Consultant, Technical/Analysts, Other Computer, Sales/Marketing, Professional/Librarian, Other Non Computer, Other Consultant, Other Technical

IT Contacts Database

IT Usage Selection;
Operating Systems, Development Tools, Hardware, Network Products, Database Software, Applications.

Additional Selection Options;
Revenue, Number of Screens, Number of Employees, Industry, Individual Company Name

Job Function;
CEO, Senior Management, CFO, Senior IT, 2nd IT, Human Resource, Sales & Marketing, Purchasing, Helpdesk, Operations, Administration, Customer Service, Technical.

A Sample of Mailing must be provided. All processing must be conducted by a bureau. Rental of data is for one time use.

Cost Options
Data can be leased. Costs are; $3360.00

Updates are provided free of charge every 6 to 8 weeks. The Contacts IT database is updated on a daily basis, based on regular feedback ffrom a variety of sources, regular telemarketing exercises and written surveys.

The client may use this database in up to 3 separate branch locations of the client company.

Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.