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Hospital & Health Services YearbookBackDownload

Senior and key personnel in the health care industry. A detailed guide of Directors of Nursing, Matrons, Chief Executives and Technicians listed in the annual Hospitals & Health Services Yearbook.

A cose database of 3,700 hospital and healthcare establishments including public and private hospitals, nursing homes and day care surgery centres. The file includes establishment name, executives by title, address, telephone, fax number, establishment size and type of services offered.

Nurses Database
This is an excellent list to target decision making nurses. As nurses are given more and more purchasing and prescription decision authority, this list will become essential to all supplying the healthcare industry.

Records are personalised including company name.

Quantity 14,000
Selections State
Personalised/Non Personalised
Job Function
Specific Select
Nursing Titles
Minimum Order 2,000
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 5 days
Notes Job Function;
Senior Management, Business, Administration, Other Management, Financial, Purchasing, Other

Aged Care, Special Accomodation, Clinic/Surgery, Corporate, Hospital, Other

Specific Select
Nurses Database = 4800 records

Nursing titles;
ACAT Contact, Assistant Director of Nursing, Charge Nurse, Community Health Nurse, Clinical Nurse, Chief Nursing Officer, Director of Nursing, Health Services Nurse, Infection Control Nurse, Nursing Services Manager, Nursing Unit Manager, Nurse Manager, Senior Contact, Sister in Charge, Misc.

Additional Selection Costs
Fax & Telemarketing: $625.00 per 1000 records
Mailing & Tele & Fax: $700.00 per 1000 records

Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.