• The List Group. Australia & New Zealand's best range of direct marketing lists


DEMM is New Zealand’s leading manufacturing and engineering magazine. It provvides relevant and valuable information to suppliers of the latest products and services to decision makers and buyers in the manufacturing, engineering and related sectors.

DEMM is a unique interactive medium. Every month DEMM puts a large number of potential customers and the magazine’s advertisers in touch with each other via its unique reader enquiry service. Readers can quickly assimilate information on a vast number of products and services and then, with DEMM’s powerful reader response mechanism are linked directly to suppliers for sales clinching contact.

The magazine tracks the latest developments in production processes and methods, focuses on important new technological developments, highlights the uses of computers in design and manufacture, covers the critical disciplines of managing to conserve energy, the environment and associated costs.

The list is a mix of personalised and non personalised records

Quantity 8,972
Selections Postcode
Personalised/Non Personalised records
Minimum Order 2,500
Deliverability 95%
Lead Time 5 working days
Terms & Conditions List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.

We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed.

Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies.