BehaviourBase is unique in that is it constructed from information captured from in-product questionnaires and satisfaction surveys dispensed to consumers who have purchased a variety of high-ticket products and services. Through partnership survey programmes with many market-leading organisations, invaluable lifestyle and demographic information has been collected. The variety of data collection channels means that you are able to reach and elicit responses from consumers who may not consider completing a mailed survey.
By April 2007, its estimated over 500,000 individual survey responses will have been generated. The surveys are in constant distribution and respondents provide detailed responses about their lifestyle and purchasing behaviour.
BehaviourBase supports a wide range of different applications across a host of industry sectors, for example:
– Identifying individuals who are receptive to buying through mail order to assist catalogue companies to reach this direct-responsive segment, thus improving sales
– Enabling magazine publishers to grow subscriptions profitably, by targeting individuals whose lifestyle interests reflect the content of the magazine
– Targeting wealthy individuals who have interests in sjtocks and shares, and savings and investment plans
– Helping charities to reach individuals with a genuine concern in the area in which they are active, to develop and grow their donor base
– Providing credit card companies with the opportunity to target actively purchasing individuals to ensure you reach financially active, quality audience.
The file is refreshed monthly with new survey respondents, which means that fresh prospects are being made available regularly for your ongoing campaigns. BehaviourBase is also washed against the Nation Change of Address file, ADMA’s Do Not Contact and Acxiom’s Deceased file.
Quantity | 1,000,000+ |
Selections |
State Postcode CCD Core Demographics Occupation Lifestyles Home Shopping Mail Order Automotive Charitable Concerns Household income Bands In The Home Finance & Investments |
Deliverability | 95% |
Lead Time | 3 working days |
Notes | Selections: Core Demographics Age, Gender, Marital Status, Number of Children, Age of Children, Family Size. Standard Demographics & Lifestyle Selections Lifestyles Home Shopping Mail Order Automotive Charitable Concerns Finance & Property Selections In The Home Finance & Investments |
Terms & Conditions | List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.
We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed. Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies. |