Australian Business Whos WhoBackDownload
Over 32,000 Companies and 75,000 Contacts in Australian Companies that qualify to be included in the Riddell’s Business Who’s Who Directory. To be eligible to gain a listing in the directory the company must qualify by either employing more that 10 employees or earning in excess of $4 Million.
In addition to being able to select by a comprehensive list of job functions and industry groups or SIC codes, Australian Business Who’s Who is one of the only databases offering information about the company itself. This includes the number of years in business and whether the company is a branch or a subsidiary, and the parent company involved. The list user can target in on the sector of the market that really matters.
This database is weighted to the more senior personnel with 32% of the contacts being Directors and 19% CEOs. 55% of the Companies have less than 20 employees. The data is available for rental or purchase in formats for mailing, telemarketing and faxing.
Quantity | 106,259 (39,393 companies) |
Selections |
State Postcode Annual Company Turnover No. of Employees Length of time in Business Gender Industry Job Functions |
Minimum Order | 3,000 |
Deliverability | 95% |
Lead Time | 5 days processing |
Notes | Job Functions: A1 Chief Accountant B1 Purchasing/Supply Managers C1 Financial Controller D1 Distribution Managers E1 EDP/IT/MIS Managers F1 Company Secretary G1 Fleet Manager H1 Human Resources Managers I1 Training Managers J1 Call Centre Managers K1 Marketing Managers L1 Lawyers/Solicitors M1 Chief Executives M2 Management Level 2 N1 Admin/Office Managers O1 Partner Board/Committee Members P1 Production/Works/Technical Managers Q1 Occupational Health Officers R1 Mining Personnel S1 Sales Director or Manager T1 Branch Manager V1 Quality Manager X1 Export Manager Y1 Secretary to CEO |
Terms & Conditions | List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.
We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed. Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies. |