A-Z GovBIZBackDownload
A-Z GovBIZ is an on-line contact database and search engine that keeps pace with the rapidly changing public sector in Australia. The list consists of over 55,000 business contacts from public agencies, committees, bodies and departments in local, state and federal government, university faculties, primary and secondary schools, TAFE colleges and government funded private organisations.
A-Z GovBIZ provides the most comprehensive government database of decision makers in Australia.
Maintaining an accurate contact database is a challenge for most organisations. The list owner’s extensive data resources, powerful search engine and team of experience researchers will deliver an effective government, education and health contact database to your organisation.
A-ZGovBIZ contains many layers of information to get deep into the data. There are many different search criteria to help target find the contacts you are looking for.
Subsets of the database can be split out and offered as separate products. They are;
Local & Municipal Council Decision Makers
This list comprises over 6,000 administration, library personnel, middle management, purchasing and procurement and senior management and is comprehensive across branches and head offices in Local Government. Use this list to drive your key account management program, plan strategy or simply make sure you have the best possible contacts available to your sales team and resellers. Contacts can be selected by job function, level of seniority, metro/country and more.
State Government Decision Makers.
This list of key decision makers who help shape the future direction of their respective agencies and are capable or making or influencing key purchasing decisions. It comprises over 13,000 administration, library personnel, middle management, purchasing and procurement and senior management and is comprehensive across branches and head offices in State Government. Contacts can be selected by job function, level of seniority, metro/country and more.
Federal Government Decision Makers.
This list comprises over 4,000 middle and senior managers and is comprehensive across branches and head offices in Federal Government. Contacts include Directors, General Manager, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Members and Senators.
Health Sector Decision Makers
Use this list to target over 7,200 health and allied-health professionals, management and support staff including Chief Executive Officers, Directors of Nursing, various Managers and General Managers. Organisations in this list include public and private hospitals, aged care facilities, area health services, local health districts/networks, health clinics, allied and government health agencies / departments, authorities and commissions. This list reflects the complex labyrinth of health services and health-related government department’s bodies, agencies and services throughout Australia.
University and TAFE College Decision Makers
This is a list of over 5,800 business decision makers in faculties, schools and administration units in university and Tafe Colleges throughout Australia. Contacts include those who pull the purse strings such as Business Managers, Office/Administration Managers, Accountants, Heads of Schools and Faculties. This list will provide a comprehensive coverage of departments and buyers in universities and Tafe Colleges across Australia.
Schools Decision Makers
This list comprises 20,500 decision makers in key roles throughout the school including senior management, purchasing, administration, IT and Finance. If you are major supplier to schools – this list will enable you to market across all key decision making job functions.
The list includes first and last name, position, title, level of seniority, address, phone and fax, email, size of school and more.
Quantity | 55,129 |
Selections |
State Postcode No. of Employees Address types Business Classification Job Level Job Function Industry |
Minimum Order | 2,000 |
Deliverability | 98% |
Lead Time | 5 days |
Notes | Address Types; Branch, Head Office Business Classification; Job Level; Job Function; Industry; Aged Care, Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing, Arts/Culture/Sport, Broadcast & Media, Corporate Support Services, Correctional Facilities, Defence Organisations, Education & Training, Emergency Services, Employee and Employment Services, Environment & Conservation, Facilities & Infrastructure, Finance & Insurance, Government Services, Health – Hospitals and Health Facilities, Health Services, Health Veterinary, Housing Services, Information Services, Information Technology and Telecommunications, Land Department and Services, Legal – Courts and Justice, Local and Municipal Councils and organisations, |
Terms & Conditions | List rental costs cover one time usage only. All data is seeded with dummy names to detect unauthorized use and copying in any form is prohibited. Two sample mailing packages will be required for approval by owner.
We require a signed copy of our list rental agreement and order form prior to any order being processed. Payment is required on delivery of data unless arranged otherwise. 10% GST applies to all Australian Companies. |